The Renewal Awards

Now in its fifth year, the annual program from The Atlantic and Allstate honors nonprofits that are creatively solving problems in their communities. The five winning organizations, selected from 13,000 nominations, will each receive a $40,000 prize from The Atlantic and Allstate.
This year’s winners demonstrate some of the most innovative ways local nonprofit organizations are solving problems in their own neighborhoods, from empowering young people through job training in Boston to finding permanent solutions to homelessness in Seattle.
Choose 180 (Burien, Washington): Engages with youth in the criminal-justice system to offer guidance and mentorship, and helps them make positive changes in their life. Choose 180 is this year’s Allstate Youth Empowerment Award winner.
College to Congress (Washington, D.C.): Levels the playing field and fosters bipartisanship for congressional interns, providing an opportunity for high-achieving students who otherwise would not be able to accept such an internship.
Facing Homelessness (Seattle): Builds 125-square-foot accessory dwelling units for unhoused people in willing homeowners’ backyards.
Hello Neighbor (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania): Supports recently resettled refugees with mentorship, educational training, and community events.
More Than Words (Waltham, Massachusetts): Provides on-the-job training and business skills for at-risk youth in the Boston area. They learn valuable life skills by helping run a book business.